Audit-ready. Always.

It's never been easier to build and extract an audit trail.

Get started

Have confidence in your compliance.

Automate the audit

Source by First AML automatically builds an audit trail as you go. Risk assessments, time stamps, exceptions, decision trails, audit logs... all available, all the time, all in one place.

All audit information is automatically collated and associated to the relevant entity, individual or case for full visibility of every KYC engagement.

For auditor eyes only

Add auditors as 'read-only' users, allowing them restricted self-service to select random case batches for review.

Source's centralised design allows auditors to find what they need in a few clicks while ensuring customer privacy rights. Once completed, remove the auditor's access keeping data integrity and cyber security in tact.

"The buzzword for me is 'evidence'. You can speak 'til you're blue in the face to the regulators telling them you're compliant, but they'll all say the same thing – 'prove it.' The beauty with First AML is that you can just give them the logins and say, 'here you go." It's audit-ready compliance.'"

Andrew Bevan Partner, Jones & Co

"After supplying a list of clients to the HMRC, the supervisory body responded with a list of clients they wanted to check the documentation for. 

They came into our offices and we set them up in a meeting room with laptops that were logged into the First AML platform - a very straightforward process."

Marco De Rosa Head of Operations, Work Argyll
Blackbird VC
Gibson Sheat Lawyers
Grant Thornton
Flude Property Consultants

Onboard clients faster than ever before.